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Majority of UK adults in favour of HIPs

New research from Hyder Consulting reveals that the majority of UK adults are in favour of the introduction of HIPs, with 51% claiming that a property's energy efficiency rating is a key consideration when purchasing a new home.

Support for HIPS appears strong across the entire country with people in the East Midlands most in favour of their introduction with 60% stating that a property's energy efficiency rating is important to them.

Publisher Ian Morgan, 30/05/2007, see the full story here.

RICS’ position on HIP and EPCs - post its postponement

The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors has released a statement today (30/05/07) clarifying their position regarding HIPs and EPCs following the governments delaying of the scheme. View the full report here. RICS have been looking at HIPs for a number of years now and believe there is much more that can be done to improve the home buying and selling process, the condition of the nation’s properties and energy consumption by maximizing the usefulness of the EPC.

Government will now issue new regulations, which must be consulted upon, and RICS joins with other stakeholders to seize the opportunity to engage with government to improve the home buying and selling process as well as to contribute to reducing carbon emissions and energy conservation, bringing benefit to consumers, the environment and business - RICS is committed to all three.

HIPs Delayed, Maybe indefinitely - but Energy Certification is here to stay

The HIPs (Home Information Packs) have been delayed for all but large houses, however, some form of Energy Certification scheme is essential. The UK has committed to a European Union Directive to improve the energy efficiency of all our buildings. A core part of this requires:

"Member States shall ensure that, when buildings are constructed, sold or rented out, an energy performance certificate is made available to the owner or by the owner to the prospective buyer or tenant, as the case might be. The validity of the certificate shall not exceed 10 years."

The full EU directive (EU 2002/91/EC) can be viewed here.

Other regulations apply for larger buildings, Commercial Premises and Public buildings. Disseminating information and best practice in energy efficiency is a key objective for the rulings, and is part of on ongoing strategy to raise global awareness of a need to reduce our impact on the environment. This means a lot of responsibility lies with those who manage public buildings. Local Authorities need to demonstrate best practice and are subject to regular testing. The Certified Energy Efficiency consultancy can help not only with simple testing requirements, but more importantly are positioned to provide the advice required for your buildings to meet the necessary requirements, both in terms of Energy Efficiency & Environmental Impact, but also in terms of raising public awareness.

Cost effective Integration of Energy efficiency into an organisations infrastructure and day to operation is a key objective.

Is your brand at risk from climate change?

It’s clear that reputations and brands are at risk from climate change, and more specifically from the publics perception of the brands impact to the enviroment.

The Carbon Trust (a government funded organisation) commissioned Lippincott Mercer, a leading brand advisory firm, to undertake the world’s first study of this important subject - view it here.

The Certified Energy Efficiency consultancy can advise on handling this side of your PR strategy, to help you eliminate reputational risk and promote your organisation as pioneers of energy efficency.